Category Archives: Skiing

Current Gulmarg weather Ski Season 2009-2010

You can find current upto the minute Gulmarg weather conditions and temperature here.
2010-01-28 13:30:00
North Kashmir’s Gulmarg tourist resort received snowfall Thursday morning, starting early in the morning – even as the weatherman predicted rain and snow in many parts of the Kashmir Valley.
Ski blogger Sam Lozier is spending a chunk of this winter in Kashmir, India with his friend Allen Taylor. From his blog report in
Gulmarg has finally got some good weather in the forecast. After an unbelievably dry early season (only two storms so far) it looks like the jet stream is shifting south over the Arabian Sea, where it will pick up a lot more moisture than it does when it swings in over Asia. With combined force of the jet stream, the karmic assistance of our Kiwi friend James, who is leaving just before the storm, and the help of Allah (all the locals insist we trust in Him to bring the weather), we should end up with a bit of snow here in town.
More can be read on the blog posted by Eric Wilbur, Staff January 27, 2010 01:39 PM

Calendar of five Short Snow Skiing Courses 2009-2010

Calendar of five (05) Short Snow Skiing Courses 2009-2010
1st Course
27th December,2009 to 10th January, 2010
2nd Course
14th January, 2010 to 28th January, 2010
3rd Course
01st February, 2010 to 15th February, 2010
4th Course
19th February, 2010 to 4th March, 2010
5th Course
8th March, 2010 to 22nd March, 2010
Duration of Course 15 Days
No. of Trainees to be involved in each course 40 Trainees
Fee per Trainee per Course Rs4500/-

More information: The Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering (01954-214037)

IISM Gulmarg Application Form


Interested participants wishing to join any course have to send the application form along with the full fees in the shape of bank DD drawn in favour of “Pay & Accounts Officer Department of Tourism New Delhi” payable at Punjab National Bank, New Delhi, (the fees is non transferable and non refundable). The application form should be written in block letters and mailed to:


Indian Institute of Skiing & Mountaineering, Indiatourism

Gulmarg, Kashmir.

Gulmarg army men to represent India in Olympics

According to (Anita Lobo), three Indian athletes will represent India at the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games from February 12–28.

The Indian qualifiers are luge specialist Shiva Keshavan, who won Silver at the recent Asian Championship in Japan, Tashi Lundup, and Jamyang Namgyal, who are employed by the Indian Army and stationed at Gulmarg, which is the tiny-but-serving winter sports capital of India.

While this is Keshavan’s fourth Olympics, it’s the first where he has corporate sponsors (Swissair, Limca Book of records, and Reebok) and a full-time coach. There is no such support for the two Army men.

WHAT A SHAME – Update Feb 24, 2010: Overheard (from BBC actually):
Vancouver’s Indo-Canadian community has rallied to provide funding and uniforms for India’s three-man Winter Olympics team… The owner of a sports shop donated track suits for the opening ceremonies, saying the rush was on to get the Indian flag embroidered onto the gear. And a local Punjabi radio station is raising funds for the team – made up of a luger and two skiers.

The luge used by captain Shiva Keshavan is also donated – by lawyers in India. Five lawyers chipped in 450,000 rupees ($9,700; £6,200) after Keshavan’s old luge – held together by duct tape and screws – broke during training in November.

Alpine skier Jamyang Namgial and cross-country skier Tashi Lundup round out the team.

Cable Car Gondola Rates and Tariff – Gulmarg 2009

All rates are as of Dec 2009

(Gulmarg to Kongdori)
(Kongdori to Apherwat)
Adults Rs. 300.00 Rs. 500.00
Children below 10 years Rs. 150.00 Rs. 250.00
Students on Picnic with Schools Rs. 150.00 Rs. 500.00
Army Personnel Rs. 150.00 Rs. 250.00
Skiers SECTION – I
(Gulmarg to Kongdori)
(Kongdori to Apherwat)
Single Trip Rs. 150.00 Rs. 250.00
Day Pass: # Foreign Skiers Rs. 700.00 Rs. 1250.00
Day Pass: # Domestic Skiers Rs. 450.00 Rs. 800.00
Weekly Pass: # Foreign Skiers Rs. 4500.00 Rs. 6000.00
Weekly Pass: # Domestic Skiers Rs. 2000.00 Rs. 4000.00
Combined Pass for both Phases (Only for Foreigners)
# Day Pass Rs 1800.00
# Weekly Pass Rs. 9000.00

NOTE : – Tickets for 2nd Phase is sold upto 3 PM only during winter months. Ensure to purchase the ticket for 2nd phase before 3 PM.

Tickets for GCC are also available at Srinagar International Airport (SIA) and Tourist Reception Centre (TRC)

This information is from J and K State Cable Car Corporation at

Contact Information is (’91’ is the India Country Code) Ph: 91-194-2435837, 91-194-2436405, 91-194-2441742

Email :

Heliskiing in Gulmarg

Cross your fingers as Jammu and Kashmir government is planning to revive Heliskiing in Gulmarg. Well, at least thus as stated the Tourism Minister Nawang Rigzin Jora.

The government cannot do this directly, and is in talks with some “organizations” – presumably companies who have experience in this field. In July, the Ministers had held discussions with a renowned French heli skiing expert Mr. Sylvain Saudan.

Heliskiing comprises of being dropped by a helicopter on the summit of a high, snow-covered peak and then skiing down the slopes. Al ready some private companies are offering to take people on heliskiing trips to Gulmarg, using private helicopter and private helipad. Notable are &