Another major snowfall for gulmarg from 16.12.2008 evening

The current round of snowfall from 7th Dec. ’08 has resulted in snow accumulation to about 2.5 ft to 3 ft. at gulmarg lower gondola station . Another major round of snow storm is likely from 16th/ 17th Dec. for about 3-5 days. It is likely that further approx 3 ft of dry powder snow is going to accumulate over and above the current level of snow at  Gulmarg. The level of accumulation on the upper slopes is likely to be increased by more than 5 ft. The snow condition would be same as is generally available in mid January for skiing. Gulmarg would be the right place for doing skiing during the christmas vacations.

15 thoughts on “Another major snowfall for gulmarg from 16.12.2008 evening

  1. agg_rakesh

    I have also seen the snow forcast for the 16-17 dec but it didn’t say about 3 ft.

    I am also looking for visiting Gulmarg on Christmas but i am not getting great info to finalize the program.

    Please update me the condition of Skiing in the last week of december 08.

    My email id

  2. pikaukumar

    Mild intermittent fall till friday. Thereafter very heavy falls from friday running into saturday. followed by again mild fall. Total added accumulation should be about 3 ft. You can also check up, or, . If you are into maps best is the wyoming university weather sites for gfs, mrf and ukmet models.there are many other sites.
    The best way to reach is to fly directly to srinagar. Take a prepaid taxi to gulmarg/tangmarg. At tangmarg the chains would be put on the vehicle.
    Happy skiing. There is great chance for further falls in the last week of dec but still it is too early to predict.

  3. ski-eemer

    Does anyone know how was the weather during last few days? was there any snow in gulamarg?

    I am planning to visit gulmarg during last week of december(starting 25th). Hope to able to do some skiing atleast. If any skiers currently visiting gulmarg can provide some details on skiing conditions at present, will be very appreciative…

  4. pikaukumar

    Presently it is snowing. Total standing snow at the bottom lift is about 3 ft.The amount of standing snow on the upper reaches would certainly be much more. More than a ft of snow has fallen during the current round. The falls are likely to cease by tomorrow noon with perhaps addition of about another ft of snow. you can talk to the hotel owners directly for the current conditions. Conditions are totally conducive for skiing.

  5. Neil

    I don’t get it. How can there be snow on the ground when the forecasts are saying up to 10 C for the day’s high temp?

  6. c lachungpa

    Prediction is somewhat partially right/wrong. Had a talk with two hotel reception. They both agree that more than ft of snow fell. Regarding the standing snow, one hotel stated that more than 2.5 ft was there while the other stated that more than 3 ft was standing. Skiing is stated to start in a couple of days. However even this type of prediction is desirable as very few accurate predictions are available. Neil, The best way for gulmarg temperature I think would be to see temperature of srinagar and factor temperature drop due to higher elevation by about 3400ft.( Roughly 6-7 degrees).

  7. Neil

    Thank you kindly. We have already booked for the month of February so I suppose it is a case of what is there; is there. And whatever is there I am sure we will enjoy.
    Greetings to all Gulmarg locals and we (my nephew Eamon, and I) look forward to meeting you all in February.
    kind regards

  8. Jeetu

    From newspapers Dec 21 – a report from ski-resort in Gulmarg: “was under 4ft of snow while its upper reaches-Affarwat and Kangdoori-amassed two more feet of snow and reels under 6 to 7ft of snow”. Also the Srinagar-Jammu highway was opened for two-way traffic.

  9. Tamyra

    I am planning a ski tripin mid Jan 2008 to gulmarg … is it Safe ?we have little children…. someone pls advise ?

  10. raghavendra rao

    What is the ideal month to visit Gulmarg? Is there budgeted hotels are available for stay? Then, how much it costs including breakfast & lunch. Please reply to my above mail id.

  11. Neil

    3 weeks before we arrive yet our bags are already packed and snowboards tuned and waxed.
    Can anyway tell me what the cover is like and is it yet possible to ski down to Tangmarg?
    I read of the good dump last Sat Jan 4 and believe there is another good dump on it’s way.
    We continue to do our snow dances here each night in Australia and hope it is a good season for all.
    We are staying in one the J&K Tourist huts from Feb 2 – 23, come and say hello.
    kind regards to all,
    Neil and Eamon

  12. Deep

    Hey Neil, I am planning a trip in Feb too. I have been to Auli but never to Gulmarg. I want to know how the snow cover has been. Mail me at . Will see you there! I have a gang of 4 joining me.

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