Work on the Rs 9 crore chair-lift project at Gulmarg would begin soon. The chair-lift would go from Kongdori to Marry Shoulder (a peak for Beginners and Intermidiate skiers). The Gondola first phase is up to Kongdori at 3045 meters, where a sledge or ski can be hired even in Summers.
The State Cable Car Corporation has realized revenue of Rs. 11.17 crore till December, 2009 from sale of Gandola tickets, against the fixed target for the current fiscal of Rs. 10.97 crore. The operations of Gandola have increased from 40 to 96 and this number was expected to go further up to 102 by end of March this year.
A 1010 KVA DG Set for Gandola Section-II is to be bought, and there are prospects of conversion of basement of G4 Station at Apharwat and Shelter Hall. Restaurants are going to come up at Apharwat and Kongdori.
i want to go nto phase 2 and pls help me to booking dtl of it and how to book if i want to go to phase 2