Location: 48-km Southwest Of Srinagar, Kashmir Region, J&K
Coverage Area: 180-sq-kms
Main Attraction: Musk Deer
Best Time To Visit: Mammal Viewing – September To March
Bird Viewing – March To May
The reserve area is located at a distance of 48-km from Srinagar , to its southwest. It is famous for retaining several rare and endangered species such as the musk deer, and a rich and varied avifauna.
The area holds a rich cover of vegetation, the dominant forest consisting of conifers, which account for over 90%. The principal species are Cedrus Deodara, Pinus Griffithii, Abies Pindrow, Aesculus Indica, etc. The major shrubs are Indigofera Heterantha, , Sorbaria Tomentosa, etc. The ground cover over here is also very rich and Dicotyledonus herbs dominate the area, comprising of Rumex Patientia, etc.
Nature has gifted this Biosphere Reserve with multiple species of rare, endangered and protected species. The main species found over here are Hangul, Musk Deer, Serow, Brown Bear, Leopard, Black Bear and Red Fox, etc.
The area houses a good population of pheasants and upland birds apart from other species, both resident and migratory. The common birds are Griffon Vulture, Monal, Snow Cock, Koklas, Blue Rock Pigeon, Kashmir Roller, European Hoopoe, Jungle Crow, etc.
Tourist and private accommodation are readily available in Gulmarg. There is also a camping site available near the reserve area. FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: The Chief Wildlife Warden, Jammu & Kashmir State, Tourist Reception Centre, Srinagar -190001, (Kashmir.)